Dental Tourism in India

Discover India, Discover a Healthy Smile!

Smile Delhi – The Dental Clinic, offers Dental Tourism In India to travellers / dental tourists from all around the world. The cost of dental treatment in Europe, North America and Oceania can be exorbitant. However, we at Smile Delhi can provide quality treatment that is also cost effective. While we ensure you quality treatment in the comfort of our clinic, you can go ahead and explore our beautiful country! Delhi is a sought after destination for Dental Tourism In India. Our dental clinic in Delhi over the last 24years has seen the growth of Dental Tourism In India in a phenomenal way.

Smile Delhi – The Dental Clinic, has treated patients from across the globe, 79 countries to be precise. Thus it has become a hub for dental tourism in India. We at Smile Delhi have witnessed patients / dental tourists hail from

  • Either countries where dental care is either very expensive viz..USA, CANADA, ENGLAND, GERMANY, AUSTRIA, AUSTRALIA etc
  • Or from countries that lack infrastructure and medical facilities viz.. AFGHANISTAN, BANGLADESH, AFRICAN COUNTRIES

The increased traffic from the above two types of countries  i.e.with expensive unaffordable treatments or lack of proper infrastructure has led to a meteoric rise in dental tourism in India and also to some extent dental tourism in Delhi.

The Advantage of Asian Currency for Dental Tourism in India

World Class Dental Treatment at a Much Lower Cost than Your Home Country

At Smile Delhi – The Dental Clinic, we claim to do world class dental treatment, as we only use proven established materials from internationally recognised companies. This is testified by the video testimonials of myriad patients (please see  the testimonials section) from across the globe who have visited us and thus have become an integral part of Dental Tourism in Delhi. Our international patients feel secure about the fact that when they walk into a dental clinic in their native country or any other country the materials which were used in their dental work here at Smile Delhi will be recognised by the dentists there. This factor has helped in the substantial increase in the traffic for Dental Tourism in India. Some examples of the materials we use are

  • Fillings – Composite teeth coloured fillings from 3M (USA) and Ivoclar(Germany)
  • Teeth Whitening – Zoom Whitespeed (USA)
  • Veneers – e max porcelain veneers from Ivoclar (Germany)
  • Implants – Straumann (USA), Nobel Active Biocare (Sweden)
  • Crowns and Bridges – Dentsply (USA) Cercon HT high strength

Our Dental equipment is imported from the USA and Europe, therefore assuring you of world class dental treatment.

Some of the equipment we use are:

  • RVG (Radiovisiography)machine for instant digital images of teeth with zero scattered radiation replacing the traditional imaging techniques of xrays is from the Satelec company of France
  • The light cure unit is from Ivoclar company in Germany
  • The ultrasonic scalers are from Satelec Company in France
  • Our rotary files and reamers for the one sitting root canal treatments, using motorised technique is from Dentsply Company in USA

The global standard equipment from international companies ensuring world class treatment is another big factor contributing to the Dental Tourism in India favourably.

Our treatments are available at a fraction of the cost you would pay in your home country.

For Example:

  • A simple white filling, which may cost you approximately 400 Euros in Europe, can be done for around 30 Euros at our clinic.
  • A root canal treatment, which costs approximately US$3000 in Europe or America, will cost you just US $ 90-100 at our clinic.

The substantially cost effective rates of dental treatments in Delhi using  the same international quality of materials and equipment which are used in the first world countries is one of the top reasons for not just a steady increase of Dental Tourism in Delhi also Dental Tourism In India.

Specialist Centric Practise Providing Niche Expertise

With dentistry getting so specialised, we at Smile Delhi -The Dental Clinic offer niche expertise to our patients through our team of specialists. I do not believe in this generalist ‘jack-of all-trades’ philosophy and it is not one you will find at Smile Delhi. Here we believe in utilising skilled and experienced specialists to perform our single sitting root canal treatment, immediate implants, wisdom teeth extractions,cosmetic dental procedures viz teeth whitening etc. These professionals keep up to date on the latest techniques, tools and materials in their field of expertise. My philosophy in treating patients is, “I will recommend those treatments to my patients, which I would do for my own family members, in terms of quality, longevity and ease of maintenance.” This ideology has made Smile Delhi a hub for not only Dental Tourism In Delhi, also Dental Tourism In India.

I Dr. Suprriya, personally communicate with all of Smile Delhi’s existing and prospective patients. I am available to provide extensive advice, education and consultation before you even set foot in our dental practice or even India itself. In addition, I personally oversee your treatment plan, specialist procedures, Smile Makeovers, etc. whilst you’re at our clinic. Over the years I have found that this is particularly valued by our international patients,leading to us becoming a hub for Dental Tourism In India.

Time Estimates for Some Dental Treatments popular for Dental Tourism In India

  • For Implants – Generally 2 visits are required. In the 1st visit, the patient needs to be here for 3-5 days and for the 2nd visit, the patient needs to be in Delhi for about 7-8 days. The two visits are scheduled at a gap of 3-6 months (depending on which area of the mouth are the implants placed).
  • For Teeth Whitening – you can get ZOOM Whitespeed Whitening treatment which requires only 1-2 hours in our clinic.
  • For Crown and Bridge Work – two sittings over 4 days are required; day 1 is impression and day 4 is delivery.
  • For Ceramic Veneers – two sittings over 4 days are required; day 1 is impression and day 4 is delivery.
  • A Composite veneer for a single tooth can be done in a single sitting of  30 to 45 minutes
  • For Root Canal Treatment – 97 percent of the cases are done in one visit of 45 minutes to an hour. In the remaining 3 percent of cases, two visits of 30 minutes each.
  • For a White CompositeFilling – 20 minutes on the spot treatment.

Unlike medical treatment there is no hospitalisation of the inbound dental patients so dental tourism in India is getting more and more popular.

How Do You Include Dental Care in Your Itinerary of Dental Tourism In India?

We can be reached through email, whatsapp or phone. Based on your dental issue, we can create a dental treatment plan just for you. This is done before the patient lands in Delhi, through photographs and X-rays of the mouth. This plan will include the cost of treatment and the schedule for your travels during your dental tourism in India. Your appointments will be scheduled inclusive of your travel plans. So if you wish to sport a healthy smile while you tour our beautiful country, we are just an email or phone call away! Please feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do people really fly to India for dental work?

Oh yes! And in larger and larger numbers. With dental tourism in India growing by leaps and bounds, not a single week goes by without us treating one or more visitors to Delhi and India. Whether it is a scheduled procedure for someone we have been communicating with over weeks, months or even years or a backpacker or traveller with an emergency requirement; we are always pleased to welcome our global friends to our dental practice. We are as equally fascinated to learn about their home countries as they are about our beloved India and we enjoy exchanging stories whilst achieving their dental and smile goals. Its a pleasure to have three or more nationalities sitting in our reception, at the same time now that Smile Delhi has become a hub for Dental Tourism In Delhi.

Can I really get a dream smile makeover in 4 days?

Yes, if you do not need implants or a bite rehabilitation. As long as you have healthy teeth this is achievable for both veneers, crowns and bridges along with any root canals required. If you can allow 5-6 days it will be even better, as we can have some extra follow up time. The Smile Makeover treatment has made Smile Delhi – The Dental Clinic a hub for dental tourism in Delhi. We pride ourselves to have the best cosmetic dentist in Delhi who has consistently been delighting patients from across the globe, 79 countries to be precise. We always recommend an in person or virtual consultation to ensure that this is achievable. Since the Smile Makeover treatment can be completed in 4-5 days it is one of the popular procedures for dental tourism in India.

What is the ‘Smile Design’ process mentioned on yours and other websites?

What it really means is a ‘treatment plan’ for a beautiful healthy new smile. In reality, everyone wants the same thing – a beautiful set of even white teeth that matches their facial features, functions properly when eating, is pain free and looks great and attractive when they smile. What needs to be assessed and finalised is the treatment plan based on the current unique condition of your teeth and oral cavity. Some will just want or need veneers whilst others will require crowns and / or bridges and for some individuals, implants will be necessary to replace missing teeth or a mouth empty of teeth. The best dental clinics in Delhi are doing this routinely. This is the ‘Smile Design’ process or treatment plan, a very sought after treatment for Dental Tourism In India as it contributes hugely in enhancing the overall personality in addition to fulfilling the desire to have a million dollar smile.

Are the degrees and dental qualifications received in India up to international standards?

Very much so! Most people vaguely think of India as exporting spices, textiles and hot food when in reality our biggest export is that of highly qualified and skilled dentists, doctors, nurses, engineers and technicians. Whichever country you are reading this from, just think about the number of highly skilled Indians you meet in your average hospital and you will begin to understand just how sought after our qualified people are.

At Smile Delhi, all of our dentists and specialists are highly trained and experienced in their relevant fields of expertise with both Doctorate and post-Doctorate qualifications to international standards. Many of us have also completed qualifications in the UK and USA.

How can your prices be so low compared to my home country especially since you are using the same or comparable international quality materials as ours?

Well at Smile Delhi, it’s not because of the materials used or the education and skill of our dentists and specialists!😊. The truth is that the Rupee depreciated 20 fold since India gained independence and since then India has become a net importer and has taken significant loans on the international market which keeps our currency down. Things have improved greatly under our current but the leadership economy still has a long way to go.

I’ve never been to India before and am apprehensive by what I see on TV and the internet. What’s it really like and am I going to get a case of Delhi Belly?

When you arrive in Delhi for the first time and exit the airport, the sounds, aroma and sheer aliveness will hit you. The old adage that it is a land of contrasts is still very true. Like any country, you get to choose the social strata that you experience when you visit – backpackers like to keep things as cheap as possible, average tourists like a decent hotel / bed and breakfast; our well healed visitors / dental tourists love to experience India’s high-end accommodation and hospitality.

The cacophony of sound, sights, aroma and sheer vibrancy will keep you staring out of the windows of the car as you transfer from the airport to your hotel.

For a first visit to India we recommend preparing as follows:

  • Pick your hotel.
    • Put Smile Delhi’s address into a hotel app like and see what comes up.
    • Stick to a western brand name or The Suryaa which is within walking distance of us, is 5 star and we have an excellent corporate rate with.
    • Ensure that breakfast is included with your room rate. Hotel breakfasts in India tend to be large and lavish and its well worth filling your belly first thing in the morning.
    • The Crowne Plaza Okhla is a 30 minute Uber ride away from Smile Delhi which will cost less than £/$2 and is a good reference point.
    • Arrange for the hotel to pick you up at the airport and take you to the hotel.
  • Ensure you have both WhatsApp and Uber set up on your phone. Everyone in India uses these.
    • Have a payment card associated with Uber.
    • Ensure you’re connected to friends and family via WhatsApp.
  • Connect to your hotel’s wi-fi as soon as you are in your hotel room and connect to ours at Smile Delhi to save your data allowance.
  • Allow yourself a day to become acclimatised before using Uber to attend your first Smile Delhi appointment.

The above points need to be kept in mind by any inbound dental patients wanting to have a smooth experience of Dental Tourism in India.

Delhi belly is not mandatory but it is a real thing! It’s generally not down to unhygienic foods or water but rather a total change of food which your gut reacts to. Remember – over 1 billion Indians in the country do not constantly have toilet issues. 😊 We do recommend sticking to less spicy and western style foods whilst undergoing the longest days of your treatments and then easing in to trying the delicious and varied local cuisine.

Am I going to be accosted by beggars everywhere in India?

It is likely that you will be using Uber to get around and doing little to no walking so it is very unlikely you will encounter any beggars face-to-face. It is possible you may experience a tap on your Uber window at traffic lights from someone trying to sell an item or begging for money but they are relatively easy to ignore and are not known to become aggressive at all.

Will my mobile phone work in India if I am visiting from abroad and which Apps do I need?

It will if you prepare correctly. The first thing to do is to check with your service provider and to ensure you have enough data included in your package. Your existing provider can often, though not always, be your most cost effective solution though you may have to switch to a different package with them or purchase a roaming ‘bolt on’.  You don’t want to arrive in India, switch on your mobile phone and start generating a large bill.

If your mobile phone has a physical SIM card from your provider installed and also has the option for an eSIM you will also have the choice to install a low cost data package for use in India from a company like

Also ensure that you utilise your hotel’s free wifi and connect to ours at Smile Delhi to keep your data usage charges to a minimum.

We recommend you have WhatsApp and Uber installed on your phone and set up before you arrive in India. Most Indian’s utilise them and they will be invaluable to you during your stay.

If one keeps the above tips in mind one is sure to cherish their dental tourism in India sojourn a happy and memorable one.

What do I do between treatments?

For short periods of a half or complete day, we would recommend relaxing at your hotel or booking a suitable short tour from your hotel to see some of the Delhi sights. An Uber ride to a shopping mall is also a good experience. Our international visitors particularly like to purchase trousers and jeans in India as an assistant will find your waist size to try on and the price includes shortening the length as you require. Other popular purchases (which we have observed through our patients who have visited Smile Delhi for Dental Tourism In India) are curtains that are cut to your length, spices, cotton and silk apparel, teas etc Just make sure you have the luggage space and weight allowance for your flights. It’s best to avoid visiting a mall on the weekend when they tend to be crowded with locals – mid-week they can be virtually empty.

Why is Dental Tourism In India Getting So Popular With Dental Tourists From Across The Globe?

Apart from the factors of

  • World Class dental treatment using  international quality dental materials and equipment
  • Treatment cost at a fraction of your home country
  • Niche expertise through experienced specialists

The sheer variety of experiences Incredible India has to offer to its tourists from across the world is fascinating and contributes to Dental Tourism In India hugely. From Mount Everest in the north to the beaches of Goa, the culture of Jaipur and beauty of The Taj Mahal, all are accessible from Delhi via road or low cost airlines. Many, if not the majority, of our international patients like to maximise the return on their visit to India, by combining a Smile Makeover with a holiday in India. With so much to do, dental tourism in India is increasing by leaps and bounds every year.

A private car and driver can be hired from Delhi at a very reasonable rate to transport you between your chosen hotels in Agra, to experience the Taj Mahal, and the pink city of Jaipur and back to Delhi (This Golden Triangle is a huge attraction for Dental Tourism In India). The car and driver will be at your disposal the entire time to take you to the various sites and restaurants you may wish to visit.

This really is a bucket list trip to see the totally unique Taj Mahal which is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the right bank of the river Yamuna in Agra that was commissioned in 1631 by the fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan to house the tomb of his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It also houses the tomb of Shah Jahan himself. The tomb is the centrepiece of a 17-hectare (42-acre) complex, which includes a mosque and a guest house, and is set in formal gardens bounded on three sides by a crenellated wall. Being one of the seven wonders of the world and  at a distance of just an hour and a half from Delhi, its contribution to both Dental Tourism In India and also Dental Tourism in Delhi is huge.

On 6 July 2019, UNESCO World Heritage Committee inscribed Jaipur the “Pink City of India” among its World Heritage Sites. [15] The city is also home to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites Amer Fort and Jantar Mantar. Jaipur is also known as the Pink City, due to the dominant colour scheme of its buildings and also known as the Paris of India. Containing the Palace of Winds and many other stunning sights and architecture, Jaipur really is one of India’s most beautiful cities and should not be missed. Dental tourism in India has increased manifold due to this regal city and its myriad attractions.

For those wishing to travel further afield, we recommend consulting which is India’s most popular low cost airline and will get you to Dharamsala, Kashmir, Rishikesh, Goa, Kerala and many other popular tourist destinations across India for very reasonable prices. If you don’t mind spending a few extra rupees, the ‘Fast Forward’ option will allow you to skip the check in line and use a dedicated desk.

Another popular low cost airline is though they do not fly to as many destinations. We do not recommend Air India and most Indians will prefer to utilise Indigo and SpicJet and suggest you do as well. The fact now these low cost airlines are available, dental tourism in India is getting sought after.

Bear in mind that you will need your passport and a print out of your boarding pass or itinerary with the same name as shown in your passport to enter any airport so be sure to have these in your hand luggage when arriving at the airport.

Kashmir; the so called Heaven on Earth, is the northernmost point of the Indian Subcontinent; it is nestled amidst the gorgeous Greater Himalayas. With some of the best treks in the subcontinent it has contributed hugely to the growth of Dental Tourism in India. The adventure sports, this state has to offer with its high quality of powder snow is world class. There are dental tourists (fond of adventure sports) who have visited kashmir for months on end  in winter and on their way into and out of kashmir they have got both their first and second phases of their dental  implant treatment completed at Smile Delhi – The Dental Clinic. This adventure sports segment has also significantly contributed to Dental Tourism in India.

Goa has some of the most fabulous beaches in the world with a range of accommodation from luxurious to very basic and cheap. It is split into North Goa which is a lot more tourist and clubbing orientated and the more serene South Goa that is far more suited to relaxing.  Please note that Goa does not allow Uber to operate so please be prepared with a hotel pick up at the airport or enough rupees to utilise a taxi.This state should certainly be given the credit for increasing Dental Tourism in India hugely.

Kerala is home to many lush tropical backwaters and can be explored either by road or by boat for a day or multiple nights. It’s known for its palm-lined beaches and backwaters, a network of canals. Inland are the Western Ghats, mountains whose slopes support tea, coffee and spice plantations as well as wildlife. National parks like Eravikulam and Periyar, plus Wayanad and other sanctuaries, are home to elephants, langur monkeys and tigers.

There are many, many other places and reasons to explore magical India; from palaces and forts to jungle safaris and spiritual retreats; from adventure sports and literary festivals to Ayurveda and Yoga, there are too many choices  for a single trip; we hope to welcome you back to India once your dental treatment is complete to further explore our rich and diverse country and culture.